2nd generation CRD chassis option (3D model by ROCKGODBOSS).Mad Scientist, by Stephen Monster Energy, by Mutant, by acapaldi. Lucas Oil Crusader, from the Sim-Monster V4 Pack. 4 additional Monster Jam paint schemes for the SUV body:.Optional "FORD" lettering on the hood for the Trophy Truck body.Engine cover panel for Bigfoot trucks (3D model by HumanTarget).Extra tire options (BKT and Ukraine tires by Klayton Goodyear tires by John S.I.R tires by Andrew Unbeadlocked rims + Firestone tires (by Klayton 14 additional Bigfoot paint schemes for the Trophy Truck body, by acapaldi.540CI Merlin engine option (3D model by and ROCKGODBOSS).You may not redistribute nor modify this resource without permission! Put yourself in the cockpit of this amazing machine and feel the massive horsepower delivered to the 66" tires as you mash the accelerator! Hold. Revamped CRD Monster Truck - New and improved Monster Truck for BeamNG.drive!

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